Holland (ERYT-200) has found incredible joy in teaching, and in sharing movement and energy with others. She is trained to teach both Astanga-based Vinyasa as well as Yin yoga and meditation: first at O2 Yoga under the guidance of Mimi Louriero and Elliott McEldowney, then under Josh Summers and Terry Cockburn, respectively. She has studied Prenatal Yoga with Barrett Reinhorn, Recollective Awareness Meditation with Linda Modaro, and is currently completing her 500hr Yin-focused training through the Summers School of Yin Yoga. She is inspired by the balance that the yin and yang types of yoga bring to mind and body; complimentary practices nourishing the body in different ways, both physically and energetically. The practice of the Asanas (postures), however, is but one piece of the 8-limbed path of Yoga. This is why the inclusion of meditation and yogic philosophy is threaded through both her movement and stillness practices.

Holland's teaching and practice, ever growing and informed by continuous training, has helped her to cultivate balance, loving-kindness and dedication. As an instructor, it is this path that she would like to help others to find and cultivate for themselves. 


Originally from Portland, Oregon, Holland studied painting and printmaking at Boston University. After graduating in 2005, she went on to run a non-profit art gallery, toured the east coast with a pop-rock band as a violinist, and finally quit her office job in 2012 to teach yoga full-time. She recently moved to East Burke, Vermont, and continues to teach classes and make art as the artist-in-residence at The Satellite Gallery in Lydonville, VT.